C’est la fin de l’année


Today we enjoyed the DCS all school French chapel. I was very proud of all the classes. How exciting to see the students engage in the French language in such creative ways.

Including this Monday, we only have 4 more classes before the dress rehearsals on June 13 and the final presentations of the class plays on June 15. You are all invited to see your child’s/children’s plays. As soon as I have a schedule of performances, I will send out the times.

Also, at the conclusion of the plays, each class will enjoy a ‘French café’ to celebrate a great year. I will be sending out a list of food needed for the 2 cafés. Please be sure to sign up.

Before the students can enjoy the events the week of June 13, they have a final test on June 6. I have provided a list of the areas that require study. I trust your child/children have copied these points down in their binders. The tests will be similar to the quizzes including vocabulary from the year as well as questions based on their class worksheets. Students should review their vocabulary, blue worksheets and the play. We will continue to review over the next 4 classes.

Meanwhile the Gr. 6/7s have also been learning some French history. I enjoyed showing my photos of Versailles to the class. The focus of their work has been on Louis XIV and the palace of Versailles.

Please let me know if you have any questions, about the remaining 4 weeks.

Below are photos from previous French cafés including some of our graduating Gr. 7 students 🙂 Also, enjoy photos of Versailles.

A bientôt.
