
Today, I signed up the Gr. 4, 5 & 6 classes on their portals. Students now have online access to their plays, songs, videos and vocabulary. This provides an opportunity for review at home. Grade 4s are signed up but don’t have their usernames and passwords yet. They will receive them on Monday, October 16.

The Grade 5 and 6 classes can now access this resource. If your child forgets their username and password, just email me and I can forward it on.

In approximately another month, the Grade 3s will most likely have access to their portal and I am yet to determine when the Grade 1 and 2 classes will be ready. The Grade 7s are doing a play that doesn’t have a portal. However, they will have access to vocabulary soon as well as video presentations of their play.

I have asked students to review class work at home a minimum of 3 times a week. In this way, they will stay on top of the vocabulary especially and will find it easier to understand and participate in class. At times, I will request specific areas to be studied. Otherwise, your children can review as they please. There is a lot to choose from đŸ™‚

Type aimportal in the search engine and then click on AIM PORTAL. Students are then directed to the student/teacher page. They click on Student and then enter their username and password to enter the portal. Enjoy!!


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